Taking the Guess Work Out of Picking Route Optimization Software

Route Optimization Software

Optimizing business operations is the name of the game in the supply chain.

Whether it’s finding creative ways of reducing expenses, improving customer service, or ensuring on-time deliveries, shippers are more concerned than ever on optimizing the efficiency of their supply chain.

One of the best tools used to accomplish this task is route optimization software. However, to understand this software, you must first understand traditional route optimization.

Route optimization itself is the process of reviewing and fine-tuning every aspect of shipping. Moreover, this process includes finding the right carriers, selecting the appropriate mode of transport, and choosing the best routes.

The latest and greatest route optimization software solutions combine all of these functions in an easy to access, cloud-based software solution.

In this blog post, we are going to take a look at a few things you can do to take some of the guesswork out of choosing the best route optimization software.


Features of a good route optimization software platform

The best platforms feature user-friendly controls that help the company achieve its goals. When choosing a routing and scheduling software platform we recommend you look for the following features:

A robust platform

One of the biggest benefits of robust software is scalability. However, size isn't everything. It’s equally important to ensure the platform is powerful enough to meet your needs today, tomorrow, and into the future.

Intuitive user interface

AI is finding a home in today’s route optimization software programs. When the user interface is adaptable to the needs and preferences of each user, it reduces the learning curve, so you can produce results quicker.

High definition and updated mapping

One of the best features packed into today’s route optimization software is high definition maps that are updated frequently. This helps users review traffic, construction delays, road speeds, commercial vehicle regulations and restrictions and more. This provides an at-a-glance review of your routing – so you can determine if it’s feasible in real-time.

GPS Tracking and Dispatching Integration

While optimization created through the platform is the goal, tracking and reviewing in real-time is vital for true route optimization. Integrating GPS tracking and dispatching communication helps delivery services achieve max productivity, exceed customer expectations, and evolve/fine-tune their routing services.


Make sure it includes the right freight optimization services

A good route optimization software platform doesn’t need to check off certain pre-determined boxes. Since everyone’s routing and delivery needs are unique, it’s vital that the software programs you integrate meet your specific needs.

However, all freight optimization solutions include these capabilities:


  • Functions that help reduce payroll, fuel consumption, and vehicle maintenance costs.
  • Performance tracking of vehicles and drivers to verify that the changes you make are executed on-road.
  • Reporting functions that help improve controls, while reducing the need for paper-printed reports.
  • Customizable dashboard, which allows users to modify the platform to their individual preferences.


Final Thoughts

While there are several plug-and-play software solutions offered today when it comes to route optimization for logistics, there are other options. For instance, working with an experienced 3PL is the logical choice. Thanks to our recent acquisition by Redwood Logistics, our capabilities have expanded, allowing us to exceed your expectations.

If you have a fleet of vehicles or rely on routes to serve your customers, contact our team today!