nature-hero-rd2-extreme closeup of rich green leaf with dew drops transportation-hero-rd2-semi truck driving down desert road at dusk

Streamline Your LTL & Parcel Shipment Execution

Regain Control of Your Most Complicated Freight

LTL & Parcel shipping that cuts out inefficiencies to optimize your supply chain operations. 

hero-small-leaf hero-big-leaf

No-Cost Market Study

No-Obligation Assessment

Evaluate Before Committing

Gain a deeper understanding of your current costs and uncover opportunities to reduce costs and optimize your network. 

Network Assessment-1

Carrier Scorecards

Ensure Compliance & Performance

Optimize Your Carrier Mix

What worked then may not work now. Assess your current providers against the art of the possible.

Carrier Scorecard

Flexible LTL

Built to Fit Your LTL needs

From BOL Creation to Tracking

Direct API setup, detailed dashboards, and freight audit & pay — get it all with Redwood’s LTL shipment execution platform.

Flexible LTL

Parcel Execution

End-to-End Parcel Management

Rate, Ship, Label, Track

Backed by decades of expertise implementing transportation and warehouse management systems, trust Redwood Parcel as your small parcel shipping solution. 

Proven Parcel

By the Numbers

12 %
Average Parcel & LTL Savings
in Year One
Years Average LTL Client
Retention & Satisfaction
30 %
Average Reduction of Accessorials
Per Parcel invoice

Redwood Label Creation & Printing

Redwood Label provides a centralized label management and printing solution, ensuring you meet all of your compliance needs while delivering labels in milliseconds. 

Asset 1 Redwood Label
tree-rings-gray Expert Parcel Team

Failed Execution Can Destroy the
Best-Laid Plans

Get your LTL & Parcel freight across the finish line with a shipment execution platform that works — backed by a team of experts with decades of experience navigating the most complicated shipping challenges. Plan and execute your shipments better with Redwood.